Royalty Health

Cocoringa (14 packets)

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Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $26.79.Free shipping!

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Cacao, High Fiber Plant Creamer (Coconut & Tapioca), Oligosaccharide (from chicory root) and Moringa.

CocoRinga is a Multi-Nutrient, Multi-Vitamin, non-Dairy, SuperFood Hot Chocolate made with natural unprocessed  Cacao. Loved by Adults and Kids, Drink Hot or Cold, Add to smoothies, shakes, cakes etc. Contains miracle food Moringa.

This proprietary Cocoa is so nutritious and tasty. Why purchase expensive multi-vitamins? Tired of forcing the kids to eat their fruits and vegetables? Give them a cup of CocoRinga and watch them drink in all the goodness and nutrients of vegetables that their growing bodies need.

Moringa (gram to gram ):

17 times the calcium of milk
15 times the Potassium of Bananas
10 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
9 times the protein of yoghurt
4 times the chlorophyll of Wheatgrass
25 times the iron of spinach
92 nutrients
46 antioxidiants
Omega 3, 6, 9
Vitamin A-Z


The Only Super Food Moringa Cocoa on the Market

2 of Nature’s Best Super Foods together (Cacao & Moringa),  a natural pre and pro biotic to sweeten (oligossacharide from chicory root) and a plant creamer (from coconut and tapioca) to create The Healthiest Cocoa in the World, CocoRinga.

Hot Chocolate is a comforting and delicious beverage of choice for many adults and especially children. Most hot chocolate beverages are contaminated with fillers, cheap ingredients and sugars. It is important to pay attention to what you put in your body and your children’s bodies. CocoRinga lets you enjoy Hot Chocolate without the negative effects of buffer ingredients, sugars, etc and saves you buying multiple supplements. 1 cup provides you and your family a whole host of Nutrition.

Raw Cacao

Fantastic source of mood lifting enhancers present in cacao such as serotonin, dopamine etc. Did you know raw Cacao has more calcium than cow’s milk? Is the Highest Plant-Based Source of Iron? Has 40 times the antioxidants of Blueberries? Is a Magnesium powerhouse? Magnesium is the most deficient mineral in Western culture. Magnesium is a must for Heart Health and optimal Brain function.

Why is CocoRinga “The Healthiest Cocoa in the World”?

CocoRinga’s 1st ingredient is Cacao. Other Hot Chocolates have Sugar as their 1st ingredient! That’s right. Sugar. CocoRinga has no added sugar.

CocoRinga’s 2nd ingredient is a Plant Creamer made from coconut milk and tapioca. This plant creamer is a digestive aid and makes CocoRinga creamy and rich. Other Hot Chocolates use cheap harmful milk solids and fillers (and  approximately 10 more ingredients for their creamer).

CocoRinga’s 3rd ingredient is Oligosaccharides which is made from the root of the Chicory plant. This is a sweet sap which gives CocoRinga the sweet taste without using sugar. The sap is an inulin which is also a great digestive agent as well as a pre and pro biotic.

The 4th ingredient is Miracle Super Food Moringa.

Moringa is Scientifically proven to treat malnutrition and provide all the essential nutrients needed for a healthy body. In countries where malnutrition is a problem, the governments have invested in Moringa cultivation to successfully tackle the issue of malnutrition.

So start your family off right with a cup of the MOST NUTRIENT filled hot chocolate on the market. Children adore it. Adults crave it, and Science approves it! This incredibly tasty and delicious Super Food Hot Cocoa is packed with immune boosting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients.  A unique blend of Miracle Food Moringa, High Fiber plant creamer and rich dark Cacao. Drink at least 1 cup a day for 14 days in a row and see the difference CocoRinga makes for you.

Coming Soon!

Cocoringa (14 packets)
Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $26.79.Free shipping!
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